Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Summer

Seeing how this is our first blog, I decided to just give a run down of our summer. We we're very busy. Joey took about a month off of work so we could spend time together. It was wonderful, I really don't see my husband very much and it was the first time we had spent more then a week together, ever. Needless to say we did a lot of stuff and had a blast!!!

My dad came to visit and we went to Moab. It was FUN!!! Here is us on the river and below is us out Jeeping.

We also got a lot of mt. biking, hiking and camping in. Here's some more pics.

We look like a homeless family on the river.


This is our 14 miles bike ride through some wicked mountains, I thought we would die there, but all was great!!!

Finally, the best picture for last. Joey and the dogs all tuckered out up camping.


Jess & Tal said...

You guys are adventurous! I wish I was more of an outdoorsman! Cute blog!

Denise said...

Hey! You guys look like you never stop having fun. I must say, being pregnant this summer I didn't get to do many adventurous things. I am glad you found our makes it so easy to stay in touch.